Thursday, August 7, 2008

Work clothes, part three

Back at Cara’s response to my wardrobe – I solve my conundrum at H&M.

I’ve probably shopped at that store in at least half a dozen countries. They didn’t have one when I lived in Budapest, although they do now, and I was there last time I visited, in January.

There are a bunch in the Bay Area now – two in downtown SF, one of which is huge.

Their work clothes are interesting enough that I can still feel a little, um, fashionist going there. I have an H&M suit that I wear very infrequently, so it doesn’t matter that the seams are weak. And most of it seems to be made in Romania and Bulgaria, so I feel almost at home.

It does, though, pander to my materialism. It’s so cheap that I can afford to buy and buy, which isn’t really a good thing. I’m sure I have a pretty big carbon footprint just because of cheap funky tops.

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