Monday, August 11, 2008

Spanx for the memories

Oh my god, I come up with the most wretched post titles, someone really ought to stop me.

What I am actually planning on writing about is another wardrobe problem. I have to go shopping soon for clothing for a specific event. I don't hate clothes shopping but right now it's pretty far down on my list as far as leisure activities. It's expensive, for one thing, and it takes time, for another. Also right now I am about five pounds heavier than normal. This is due to my yearly summertime bloat. (I tried on some dressy clothes - the kind not made of forgiving stretchy denim or cotton - and they still fit, but I'm right at the outer edge where I can wear them.) And that means that anything that I buy right now which fits will be too big when I go back to my more usual weight. And we don't have enough closet space to hang onto two complete wardrobes in two sizes, though I think every woman probably has some size range in her closet. More to the point, I don't want to buy an awesome outfit I love but won't be able to wear most of the time.

But then I thought: I can wear tights when I'm shopping! Spanx, specifically. And that'll suck me in enough that when my weight goes down in winter, the new clothes will still fit perfectly.

So is this like a moral or feminist victory of some kind about women and weight? I doubt it, but it's an elegant practical solution to my problem. Which I'll settle for, right now.

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