Friday, August 29, 2008
Bliss: or Why Men Don't Like Babies
I’m talking about oxytocin. That’s a hormone released during labor and breast-feeding, and also apparently during canoodling. Men can make it, too, but they – obviously – don’t do it as much. According to Wikipedia, the effects of oxytocin gushing around your brain include making virgin sheep like lambs and making me forget things, and also it’s just like taking ecstasy.
What it feels like is Bliss.
When my daughter was born, I entered a world of oxytocin highs that can only be described as Bliss. For the first few weeks I was on Bliss all the time – all I needed to do was touch her, look at her, smell her, and I was off on another high.
Three years later, it’s not as intense, but it’s still going on (cuddling up to a sleeping toddler gives me quite a shot of Bliss).
A crack addict once told me that he was always looking for a repeat of the first high. You smoke again and again, and it is never the way it was, but you can never stop trying.
That’s the way I am with Bliss. Hand me a squishy little baby and something in my brain starts whispering relentlessly: have another one. More Bliss!
So I’m just a slave to my hormones.
This freaks out my husband, K. Where once there was a fairly rational and intelligent person, now there’s this raving Bliss addict who doesn’t care about any of the rational reasons, pro or con, to have another child (his are mostly con: the money we don’t have, the time we don’t have, the one bedroom apartment we live it, etc.). All the Bliss-out addict wants is babies. More, more, more.
I know some women don’t get this high when their babies are born. I’m sure it’s just a brain chemistry thing, but I feel sorry for them like a proselytizer feels sorry for someone who hasn’t been saved.
It may be a drug, but if I’d never done it, I’d never have known Bliss.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Sweaty palms
Alpha (Fe)Male
He's currently staying with a foster parent until the adoption process is finished (outlining the greyhound approval process is a whole other lengthy blog post), and we'll have him in about a week. In the interim, we've been stopping by to take him for walks. On these walks, he's Andy's shadow. He trots up if Andy gets a few steps ahead, looks up at him for approval, and follows all his commands. I think he likes me just fine, but there's no doubt who he considers the alpha male.
Case in point: On our most recent walk, he decided to stop, apparently having had enough for the day. I was holding the leash, and gave a tug. No dice. I used my most authoritative "Okay. Come on," command. He looked at me with a "Lady, you're crazy!" expression.
Andy took the leash. "Come on, Bud." He said, and tugged. The dog acquiesed.
I'll have plenty of time to practice my own alpha male skills over the coming weeks, I'm sure. But in the interim, I'm left wondering: Is it my petite build? My voice, that's a higher register than Andy's? Was my tug just weaker, and not convincing enough? I'm sure the dog was around mostly men at the track, and thus Andy represents something familiar, authoritative, and reassuring.
Maybe that's the issue--an alpha male doesn't wonder, he just does what he's going to do. Maybe the dog felt that wondering in my tug, heard a flicker of doubt in my tone of voice when I said the command.
But dammit--I want instant authority, too! Sadly, in the animal kingdom (or with this dog, at least), I'm going to have to earn it.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Her clothes are modest, but clean--a straw-colored coat, only slightly frayed at its hem; sensible nurses' shoes catching a rippling pool of loose stocking fabric at each ankle. Her red-mesh tote bag, teeming with vegetables in vibrant greens and yellows, would normally hold my attention, but instead I cannot stop staring at her hair.
Less than a foot away from me, nestled in the crown of her sprayed-and-rolled strands, is a bug. A dead bug--long dead, from the looks of it. It appears fossilized, petrified--a plank of perfectly preserved amber bordered by mere wisps of legs, each a thread-like offshoot. The insect must be at least an inch long, maybe two, and rests, cradled, in the folds of her hair, just where the silver roots peek out, as if it were placed in such an ideal setting for viewing by a curator, scientist, or photographer.
I reach to the tap the woman on the shoulder, then hesitate. I've had my share of awkward moments approaching strangers in the past. I strive to emulate my friend Kathleen, she with her Kansas-friendly smile and twangy accent to match, who approaches bewildered tourists in our guidebook-popular neighborhood with a disarming, "Where ya trying to get?" When I once tried to do the same thing (without the colloquialism, of course), with a clearly lost family of five, I got a host of quizzical looks and an earful of German. I haven't attempted to converse with a stranger since.
The bug's spindly legs, splayed akimbo, seem anchored in place. I look up at the closest advertisement, a poster shouting in bright yellow letters that I could learn Swahili, in addition to more than 50 other tongues, at a local language center. Wryly, I note German among them.
The woman shifts in her seat, clears her throat. The bug doesn't budge from his delicate nest.
I reach out my hand to tap her shoulder. I hesitate. I envision a tussle to wrench the bug free from this silver-blond crown, a mixture of Germanic languages from the old country and new as we attempt to sort out the details, a cascade of peppers and zucchini rolling across the filthy bus floor. In the confusion, I picture the bug disintegrating, like pieces of ash, scattered among each strand of hair. I put my hand back in my lap.
The bus lurches down Broadway. I reach my hand to tap her shoulder again. I'll tell her, I think.
One more stop. Okay, I'm going to tell her.
She shifts in her seat. Now, tell her. From that angle, the bug isn't even visible.
She rings the bell, stands to get up. I'm frozen. I watch her descend the stairs, take a few steps onto the sidewalk.
I remain on the bus, fraught with propriety and shyness. I didn't tell her.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Before that, I went to college in a pretty hippyfied town where it was cool grunge nature girl not to shave – a trend I also slavishly followed, in my purple plaid, flannel men’s shirt and too big green corduroys.
But now I’m back in America, and I still shave…but sometimes I wonder why.
Well, honestly, I still do it to conform. The only problem is, what am I conforming with? I mean, why are women supposed to be hairless? Because it references youth –- and as the parent of an actual naturally hairless pre-pre-prepubescent girl, I am kind of disturbed by my own behavior.
But not enough to stop shaving.
A Cara by any other name would still smell as sweet, right?
“don't give me your name please.”
This was the entirety of an email sent to me by my new (as of May) husband Dave. It was the end of a string of emails between my and my mom (Dad and Dave were cc’d on all the back and forth) about the weather up in Maine where we are going to visit my parent this weekend.
I was completely confused by his email (maybe more discerning readers aren’t) and called him. Turns out that somewhere in the email string he saw “Cara and Dave deBeer” and thought that I’d changed the name field to “Cara and Dave deBeer” to show as sender on my own emails. deBeer is my last name, not his (I did not take his name when we got married) and Dave was, understandably, objecting to his wife inflicting her last name on him when he was quite happy with his own – particularly when said wife had not changed her name on marriage. In fact, I hadn’t actually made any changes to my name on email and the misunderstanding was quickly cleared up – in her Blackberry contacts lists, my mom has an entry for “Cara and Dave deBeer” (her little joke) which apparently has my personal email listed as the primary email for that entry.
So no problems, right? Right, but I thought it was interesting enough to write about since he’s also mentioned that he’s a little weirded out when he gets called “Mr. deBeer” at the vet. (All four cats have my last name, since I’m generally the one who does the cat/vet wrangling – a division of labor topic all on its own, but not in this post.) And then I thought how interesting it is that his reaction is so different to my own – I’m pretty sure this year that we’ll get Christmas cards addressed to Mr and Mrs Dave’sLastName, and probably my letters from older relatives (not that I have many left) will be sent to Mrs. Cara Dave’sLastName, even though I’m still Ms. Cara deBeer – and all of that stuff is so not worth getting worked up over, even though it blithely ignores my own conscious choices and reasons not to take my husband’s name. They’re letters and Christmas cards – it’s really okay with me here to accept these well wishes in the loving spirit they are written. In different circumstances, yeah, I’d be pissed, but social niceties like this are not worth losing sleep over.
Anyway, so Dave finds the experience of being associated with his spouse’s name disconcerting because he’s so unprepared for it, while as a girl, I’ve been prepared for it all my life by a million cultural inculcations, and my job is to pick my battles. Being addressed as “HisLastName” on letters? Not worth it. Defending my decision to a (male) friend not to take his name: worth it. “But my wife changed her name!” he said, when I awkwardly explained what a pain in the ass it is to change one’s name across credit cards and bank accounts and email accounts and insurance policies and and and … and I don’t want to, basically. Valid reasons aside, I didn’t want to change my name. My friend’s attitude was pretty much like, “If my wife did it, you can do it!” Which misses the point: I didn’t change my name to Dave’s last name because I didn’t want to.
I like deBeer. It has been my name all my life. I am attached to it, quirky capitalizations and questions about association with certain famous diamond purveyors* aside. And Dave feels the same about his last name, which is why it’s strange for him at the vet and coming across it unexpectedly in someone’s contact list – those are instances where his choice not to take my name is ignored, for one reason or another. (I should specify: I’m writing about this because it occupies a lot of my headspace, but I don’t think it’s more than a mosquito on the windshield for Dave; he’ll probably have forgotten about the whole thing or wonder why I’m making such a big deal out of it by the time he gets around to reading this.)
And here’s the kicker: this is really about choice, and respect. I have another friend who has changed her email name display so it now reads “Mrs. HerFirstName HisLastName”, which is cool, although I personally think including Mrs. is an unnecessarily formal display on an email. But she wants to emphasize her own choice, which is, again, cool. Lots of my friends have gotten married and are now Mrs. HisLastName. Others are still Ms. HerLastName. Some men are now Mr. HerLastName. And as long as everyone understands and respects the choices of others, I have no problem with any of it.
Writing all this has made me think that A) this really written from, and about, hetero marriages, which is my perspective, but B) I wish I knew how gay people dealt with this and C) I really wish gay marriage was legal in more states than MA and CA, so I’d have a bit more information and a valuable perspective outside of the whole patriarchal name-goes-down-the-male-line stuff that heteros get shunted into when they marry.
Update: when I re-read that last sentence, I realized that it read as if I was lamenting the availability of gay marriage for my own sake. I think gay marriage should be legal all over because that's what's fair. And as a nice side bonus, it would provide me with more models of marriage to look at and learn from than just the standard hetero one.
* no relation. It's a coincidence I and that company both have Dutch roots from a century ago. And yes, I disapprove of that company's despicable human rights practices and price fixing and attempts to gain a monopoly on the gem market as much as you do.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Finally, a hilarious board game just for women, exclamation mark
I had caught sight of this.
Even without a closer look at the box, my heart sank. Please don’t let this be a board game only for women.
- Requires female intuition and humor (not included).
- A Dame hilarious game for women of all ages (17+). 2-8 players.
The whole thing just pisses me off. First of all, dame. Dame? Who is marketing this? What’s the demographic – I am guessing the Sex and the City one judging from the photo on their website, but seriously, when’s the last time you heard someone calling themselves a dame. If they weren’t in a revival of Guys and Dolls.
First of all, a game just for women is already weird. I mean, yeah, sometimes it’s fun to hang out only with girlfriends, but what the hell is wrong with Trivial Pursuit?
Secondly, this thing is so condescending it makes me what to hurl the box to the floor and step on it.
Here’s a sample “dame dilemma” that you have to solve in some “hilarious dame” type of way.
- “I just got the worst haircut of my life, what’s a DAME to do?!”
[Notice the question mark followed by a bang. Because girls! are so excited! all the time!!!!”
The options – on cards -- are:
- Remember there are no accidents
- Get out the scissors.
- Think, this too shall pass.
- Put on a push up bra. [As they say on the internet, wtf?]
- Have a good cry.
- Declare cocktail hour! [There comes the bang again.]
I have no clue how this game is scored, nor do I care. I think it's about guessing your friend's reactions -- and I think you all can guess mine.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Spanx for the memories
What I am actually planning on writing about is another wardrobe problem. I have to go shopping soon for clothing for a specific event. I don't hate clothes shopping but right now it's pretty far down on my list as far as leisure activities. It's expensive, for one thing, and it takes time, for another. Also right now I am about five pounds heavier than normal. This is due to my yearly summertime bloat. (I tried on some dressy clothes - the kind not made of forgiving stretchy denim or cotton - and they still fit, but I'm right at the outer edge where I can wear them.) And that means that anything that I buy right now which fits will be too big when I go back to my more usual weight. And we don't have enough closet space to hang onto two complete wardrobes in two sizes, though I think every woman probably has some size range in her closet. More to the point, I don't want to buy an awesome outfit I love but won't be able to wear most of the time.
But then I thought: I can wear tights when I'm shopping! Spanx, specifically. And that'll suck me in enough that when my weight goes down in winter, the new clothes will still fit perfectly.
So is this like a moral or feminist victory of some kind about women and weight? I doubt it, but it's an elegant practical solution to my problem. Which I'll settle for, right now.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Carla Bruni and women being men
I admit to not having ever heard of her before she ended up with Sarkozy, so I was curious.
Now, it’s a fairly flattering profile, and superficial, I know…but I was interested in my own reactions to it.
My first was the typical tear-down a woman does when confronted with another woman who is (a) beautiful at forty, (b) rich, (c) successful in modeling! and music!, and (d) now a major VIP.
“Oh, well, she’s not that gorgeous. And it's airbrushed. And she’s an heiress, so it’s all given to her on a platter. She’s a rock star groupie, and please, breathy folky music with soul-searching lyrics? Give me a break…"
But the more I read, the more I started to admire her.
She’s described in masculine terms – as an “alpha female” or as a hunter of men.
To me what that says about her is that she feels entitled, something women have a problem with. I’m not talking about our modern American environment-wrecking entitlement, but rather the ability to demand rather than to apologize, ask, then apologize for asking.
It reminded me of something I heard on NPR – an interview with Norah Vincent, a woman who went undercover as a man. (She’s not transgender, this was just to find out how the other half lives.) She said one of the lessons she would take back to her woman life from her stint as man was that men are much more comfortable demanding things, or rather asking for things without apology, without flirting, without looking like we just don’t want to bother anybody but would you mind just a little bit…
So maybe Carla Bruni is a homewrecker, if she feels like making music rather than being a muse, so much the better. I don’t even care if it’s good.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Demographic targeting and implicit messages
Now that my status has changed to "married", though, I'm being targeted with ads for pampers and custom bracelets with your kids' names on them. Ew! I'm guessing that my age (30), marital status and gender are what's triggering these types of ads. Funnily enough, Dave's Facebook profile isn't showing him the same sorts of ads at all - he's seeing ads for clothing. And then you wonder why equal parenting - splitting the childcare responsibility evenly between parents - isn't as simple as it sounds ... you've got this whole shitty cultural system telling you in a bunch of different ways that women = responsible for kids = supposed to want kids. Also, of course, that marriage = children. No wonder women and men absorb these messages - advertising is just an obvious manifestation of the phenomenon.
This has another dimension for me personally, which is that I write and run some ads which could potentially appear on Facebook. Not the ads I've been talking about - I'm not currently handling any display advertising or working with demographically targeted ads, but I do advertise with MSN, and MSN has a deal with Facebook for advertising. So here I am, ranting from inside the belly of the beast. Ah, sweet ironies of life.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Work clothes, part three
I’ve probably shopped at that store in at least half a dozen countries. They didn’t have one when I lived in Budapest, although they do now, and I was there last time I visited, in January.
There are a bunch in the Bay Area now – two in downtown SF, one of which is huge.
Their work clothes are interesting enough that I can still feel a little, um, fashionist going there. I have an H&M suit that I wear very infrequently, so it doesn’t matter that the seams are weak. And most of it seems to be made in Romania and Bulgaria, so I feel almost at home.
It does, though, pander to my materialism. It’s so cheap that I can afford to buy and buy, which isn’t really a good thing. I’m sure I have a pretty big carbon footprint just because of cheap funky tops.
Work clothes, part two
But these days I have sort of an opposite problem. Although I work in an office (a real live cube farm!), it's pretty casual - jeans every day is not a problem, and most of the developers wear a jeans-and-t-shirt sort of uniform. In my company clothing divides along male/female and career lines - men are more casual than women and sales and marketing tends to be more dressed up than dev. Managers are usually more dressed up than us regular folks, and female managers dress up more than male managers. There are individual exceptions to all these rules - I am one of them, totally letting the marketing side down with my slobbiness - but in the main they hold true, and I've seen these roles play out in more than one company.
I love the casual and take as much advantage of it as possible, but it allows me to be lazy - I end up rotating the same three pairs of jeans and my favorite sweaters until it's all way past its sell-by date. And while there's something to be said, I guess, for thriftily wearing your clothes until they've got holes in them, usually the clothes start to look pretty bedraggled long before the holes appear.
It's not really that I can't afford new clothes (although that was the issue for a while), and it's not that I hate shopping (I don't; stuff off the rack usually looks pretty good). It's that I'm lazy and time-impaired. Too time-impaired to consider shopping as a leisure activity (when I could be reading or cooking or blogging or going for a walk or playing with the cats or learning how to knit or sew or whatever; my list of leisure activities is long and ambitious) and I'm too lazy to put together interesting outfits based on what lives in my closet.
Occasionally, if Dave has a show or something, I'll pull an outfit together. But the rest of the time it's jeans and a sweater and no makeup, and yeah my clothes fit and yeah I have a good haircut and yeah my glasses are kind of cute, but as a whole it lacks pizazz. I don't feel cute unless I've at least got a little makeup on and have a somewhat pulled-together outfit. But since I don't have (or don't make) the time for this in the morning (usually too busy medicating cats and blogging), frumpy is my default go-to. Which I'm not totally thrilled about, honestly, but I lack the discipline to dress for success just because I ought to. Even though I bet my dressing badly is actually a factor, conscious or not, in management decisions not to promote me or whatever. So - if I want a promotion, which would be nice at some point, I definitely should start dressing better. This will require me to spend more time on myself (good), focus more on my appearance (maybe good, maybe not) and will require some discipline (ugh).
I will let you know how it turns out, if a promotion shows up despite my t-shirts and jeans. I sort of hate having to think about this at all, because in my head, how I look isn't related to the quality of the work I produce, but in the real world (outside my head), how I look matters a whole big bunch.
Work clothes
This is something that I think about a lot. I have to go out and talk to people for my work and the vibe needs to be such that what I’m wearing, how I look, doesn’t get in the way of our communication. I need to be neutral, almost not even there. I want my sources to talk to me as they would talk to themselves in the shower (…wait, most people talk in the shower, don’t they?...) without trying to frame their message to the person opposite them with a notebook and pen.
That’s a complicated way of saying that I don’t want a retiring businesswoman that I’m profiling to look at me and go, ‘Oh, a Temescal hipster, she won’t understand.’
At the same time, I need to feel comfortable in my own professional role, which means not wearing clothes I can’t stand. I want to walk into any interview situation with confidence and grace – and feeling like ‘me.’ Too drab and I feel old (a whole other problem).
So it’s all about the clothes. On one hand, I want to look tidy and respectable, on the other hand I want to look hip and interesting to give my own confidence a boost.
This means, the bigger the interview the more time I spend choosing what to wear, yet I always end up wearing the same things.
Should I be free of props and baggage? Maybe so.
All those pajama blogger types out there have moved past this, of course. They are post-wardrobe.
Weighty topic of weight
But - and this is where you're going to roll your eyes - I'm not actually positive that I gain the weight. It could be an illusion caused by the summer's increased humidity and water retention plus being more self-conscious because of wearing skimpier summer clothing. The only time I ever get on the scale is at the doctor's office*.
Generally I judge my weight by how well my clothes fit, and since I wear non-elastic jeans about 3 times a week, it's pretty easy to tell if there's an increase in the amount of muffin top spillover at the waist or if, looking down at my thighs, they look like plump sausages in a denim casing, decorated with cat's whiskers at the crotch. And because it's summer, a thin t-shirt doesn't do much to hide the ooze over the top of the waistband of my jeans - you can see a fabric-covered bulge clearly outlined in a way that my winter wardrobe of seventeen layers doesn't show.
Okay, so it's seasonal, and it sort of doesn't matter if it's in my head or real, since it'll go away. But it means I spend nearly half the year feeling fat and uncomfortable in my own skin, and getting into bathing suits takes more courage than it does for a holiday in the Caribbean in February.
I'm writing about this now because the summer downward spiral has started and I'm feeling blobby and gross - it's like having PMS bloat for five months. (During, of all cruelties of fate, bathing suit season, goddamit!) I don't really know the answer - if I should just buy a scale and clear it up for once and for all, if I should have a larger summer wardrobe (my clothes still fit ... I just don't perceive that they fit me as well or as flatteringly), if I should talk about it with my shrink and work on body acceptance no matter what season it is - obviously I've got some a few issues still around my weight. Maybe there is no easy answer to this one.
* Unsurprisingly, if I owned a scale I would use it to torment myself. So scales are Not Allowed in the house, apart from cooking scales. And - according to the doctor's office - my weight has been stable for about 5 years now. But I'm not usually at the doctor's in summer either; plus you can be five pounds heavier or lighter on any given day just because of water retention ... You see now why I don't have a scale?
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Short vs. long
See, I used to have long hair, for ages. Short hair looks better on me though, and it’s hella (as they say ‘round here) easy to make look good (thank you, Aveda).
Guys don’t flirt with me *nearly* as much. And this bothers me.
I can’t help it. Its true that I’m not looking for a date, I’ve got a steady, but I’m not living in a cave, free from all societal pressures, and so yes, I value males telling me I’m cute.
And I’m not *less* cute than when I had long hair, there’s just something guy-pulling about long hair.
It seems sort of hypocritical of me to both value the flirt attention but be mad that guys like some stereotypical maidenly image. But, you know, I am.
I am still thinking about this. Sometimes I decide that I’ll go back to long hair, even though I know I looked much less put together, more frumpy, and also I had to constantly wash it. Then I want to smack myself and say, ‘Hello, you look good, shut up already.’
Girl to woman
My only answer is that every woman still has her girl inside – that hopeful, ambitious seven-year-old who dreamed of time travel or ponies or the White House. I’m pretty in touch with that inner kid, and she’s the part of me that is willing to take on the world.
So I know it’s a controversial title, but all the same, Hail to the Girls!
(And the Weekday part is because the things we’re talking about are part of our everyday lives – my haircut, your boss, the governor’s health care policy…these things are definitely around every day.)
Revving up
Hello, and welcome – gulp -- to the inaugural post of Weekday Girl. (It’s scary going first!)
This blog is about girl things, women things, everyday good and bad things. It’s anything about being a girl – that means we will write about anything from the fact that we like clothes (natch) to the fact that some of us can’t get proper jobs because our country doesn’t integrate mothers back into the workforce.
So let us know what you have to say -- because there are a lot of us girls out there and we need to listen to each other.